What Is Corona Virus Disease and How You Should Prevent the Disease to Spread Further


Introduction to Corona Virus 

Corona virus belongs to a large family of various viruses, which cause mere common cold problem to severe problems, like MERS i.e. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or SARS i.e. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Corona virus-related disease is the latest strain identified during the month of December 2019 in a few of the areas of China and not previously present in humans.

Common Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease

A person infected with corona virus may experience following major symptoms after 2days to 14days of his/her exposure.

Cough and cold


Breathing shortness

However, a few of the patients may have emergency warning symptoms, which include-

Breathing shortness or difficulty in breathing

Pressure or persistent pain in his/her chest

Incapability to arouse anything or new type confusion

Bluish face or lips

Note- If a patient of corona virus disease has warning symptoms he or she should seek emergency medical care immediately.

Tips to Stay Protected from Corona Virus 

An effective way to deal with the latest corona virus is to follow certain tips to stay protected from spreading it.

1. Stay Aware of the Way, in which the Virus Spreads

As there is no vaccination to cure the disease, you have to avoid your exposure to the corona virus to avoid illness. This is because; virus may spread primarily from persons’ contact i.e. people in close contact with each other. Besides, the virus spreads from respiratory droplets, which formed whenever infected individual sneezes or coughs.  The droplets from coughs and/or sneezes may enter the nose or mouth of other nearby people or in some cases, within the lungs.

2. Clean the Hands Frequently 

You should clean and wash your hands frequently by using water and soap for about 20seconds, especially after you return from a public place or after sneezing, coughing or blowing the nose. If you do not have water and soap as available readily, you should use hand sanitizers, which contain about 60percent of alcohol. Besides, you should cover your hands’ surfaces and rub properly until and unless your hands feel dry. Other than this, you should strictly avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes without washing your hands.

3. Cover Your Sneezes and Coughs Properly 

You should cover your nose and mouth by using a tissue while you sneeze or cough and use the inner part of the elbow instead of using your palm. After sneezing, you should throw your used tissues properly in the dustbin.

4. Never Forget to Wear Facemask if You are Sick

You should never forget wearing a facemask while you are across other people, like sharing a vehicle, room or any other belonging. Moreover, you should wear a facemask before entering your doctor’s clinic.

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